Friday, April 5, 2019

Wat Rakhang Kositaram, Bangkok

Wat Rakhang Kositaram is a well known famous temple in the past till date. "Rakhang" means bells, temple of bells. Why is it well known? because in the past there is a very famous monk that reside here in Wat Rakhang, Luang phu Toh or also known as Somdej Phra Putthachan (Toh Phrommarangsi), he is famous during the Rattanakosin period.

Of cause Somdej Toh was also said to be the one that finally subdue the very fierce spirits that cause the entire village chaos. Somdej Toh is said to possess highly skilled Metta and meditation level is powerful. His amulet is of cause now one of the highly priced sacred objects in Thailand, even the kings might have kept a few for themselves.

The current abbot of Wat Rakhang is now Chao Khun Tieng, the disciple of Luang Phu Nak. Luang phu is also the direct disciple of Somdej Toh. There should be a few others disciple which was also the luksit of Somdej Toh.


My very first special visit is with Ake, a good friend of mine who has the access to the abbot of Wat Rakhang, and its mine honour to meet the great monk of this temple.

Been to this temple on the separate occasion with my family for prayers, usually we will just pray and leave. but for this trip we got special access to meet Ck Tieng

sunset of Wat Rakhang

everywhere you wander you will see bells.

the birthday buddhas

there is this counter where it is situated under the bells, they are selling non authentic Somdej claiming it from the "Old books", please do not get anything which doesn't goes to the temple. 

The Tripitaka Hall, in the reign of King taksin, the holy scriptures of the Tripitaka or the three parts buddhist scriptures are stored here.

Paying my respect to Ck tieng 


Main Ubosot

The Prang

Wat Rakhang under renovation.

This is section 9 at the back of Wat Rakhang where the kuti of the monk is, if you are alone you can pay a visit to Lp Weenrat, the second abbot of Wat Rakhang.

Did my sangkatan with Lp Weenrat

this cutie keep distracting me. LOL

You can take a ferry across to and fro from Tha-Phracan pier to Wat Rakhang easily.

This is where people rest and wait for their boat ride. 

 Just a few bahts across.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Wat Saket, Bangkok

Wat Saket also popularly known as the Golden Mount or ‘Phu Khao Thong’, is a temple situated near the river and if you ever take cab to and fro from the busy city of Siam to Yaowarat you will see a golden sheen of chedi from far. Within chedi houses a Buddha relic and welcomes all worshippers to pay respect too.

The temple grounds feature mature trees and typical Buddhist structures such as the main chapel, ordination hall and library. Its origins can be traced back to the Ayutthaya period (1350- 1767 AD) and it underwent major renovations during King Rama I’s reign (1782-1809).

Beware if you have knee issues, because this temple requires a few steep steps up to the chedi.

from the outside of the temple you can actually see the majestic chedi.

it was said that this hill was actually man made.

along the way up hill you will see this sculptures around

inside the main hall of the chedi

Wat Tha Ka Rong, Ayuttaya

The olden days of Ayutthaya, there was two monastery that stood on the south side of the Chao phraya river, in the 1920s one was called Wat Tha (temple of the landing) and Wat Ka rong(temple of the crying crows). After that it was eventually said that the temple merged together and called Wat Tha Ka Rong. This temple is now a tourist place and has a lot of Buddha statues and deities.